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#1 Re: Main Forum » Prevent Broken Impossible Houses » 2013-05-21 12:35:57

colorfusion wrote:
NoisySplatter wrote:

From getting frustrated enough to hack the game to have a look. There is no way there should be a trap that kills you on the first tile so I figured cheating wasn't all that bad in this situation.

Some traps are broken by past thieves, the owner didn't have to cheat to get their house into a state where it's not possible.

Not sure how smart it is to admit to hacking for an advantage on the official forums, although I suppose what you did wasn't too bad.

Jason said cheating is acceptable if you can prove a flaw in the game. This is an alpha after all.

The problem is that you can just get kicked out of your own house to the robbery menu by idling for a long time. This has the effect of leaving your trap in its last saved state and also putting your house back onto the robbery market for more unwitting rubes to die in.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Prevent Broken Impossible Houses » 2013-05-20 16:00:47

From getting frustrated enough to hack the game to have a look. There is no way there should be a trap that kills you on the first tile so I figured cheating wasn't all that bad in this situation.

#4 Main Forum » Prevent Broken Impossible Houses » 2013-05-17 22:40:50

Replies: 15

As far as I can tell several of the top houses are in a permanently unsolvable state because of modifications previously saved to the house. Since they are now effectively impregnable all their owners have to do is not die.

I propose that some mechanic is added by which house owners are made to re-verify the fairness of their own houses at the beginning of each play session whether or not changes have been made in order to avoid such issues.

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