The Castle Doctrine Forums

Discuss the massively-multiplayer home defense game.

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts from a Newbie who was truly looking forward to this game. » 2013-06-09 06:00:27

It's really gratifying to get some real response to this post, especially from you, Jason. I half expected people to call me a whiner and tell me to get lost. Having said that, I'll leave it to you all to decide how to fix it. I'm too new to the game to give educated suggestions. I do think that the solution is out there, and I'll keep checking in.

#2 Main Forum » Thoughts from a Newbie who was truly looking forward to this game. » 2013-06-06 08:39:21

Replies: 60

I have been looking forward to Castle Doctrine since Rock Paper Shotgun told me all about it pre-release.  I've been patiently waiting to play it since, with thoughts of building a house full of obstacles and traps.  I recently scraped up $8, and gave the game a few plays.  As a very experienced gamer, but a newbie to Castle Doctrine, here's what I experienced:

1. A trap/puzzle/defense game where everyone can see what I've got (except dogs). I can't even place a rug over a trap door to hide it.

2. A learning curve that must require far more than the couple of hours I put into it (wiki and game combined).

4. The frustration of being victimized over and over while trying to learn the game

3. The tedious task of trying to figure out exactly what it was other people were doing to be successful (complex wiring).

All of which makes it nearly guaranteed I'll never stick with it long enough to learn how to be really effective.  In essence, I logged into what I thought was going to be a home-defense/home-invasion game, and saw instead an electrician's schematic nightmare.  Perhaps I'm slow and I "just don't get it," but I don't think I'm the only one.  Then, perhaps this game just isn't meant to interest "people like me," but I'm not so sure that's it either.  Am I missing something so fundamental that it's breaking the game for me, or is that a fair assessment of the game as it stands?

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