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#1 Re: Main Forum » I have a idea/Idea Forum/Saving money/non purchased acc/maps » 2013-11-04 13:40:58

I like the point of being able to sent some money to your next acc so you don't have to start over with only 2000$ but that is my opion.
This site has a tut on how to import a file(in the top of the screen)
But my idea is about loading a file not saving

#2 Main Forum » I have a idea/Idea Forum/Saving money/non purchased acc/maps » 2013-11-04 12:27:40

Replies: 13

Idea Forum

This one is pretty straight forward. Just a Forum for idea's so you don't have to post it on the main Forum

Saving money

If you save your money, the money will transfer to a bank. The money that you move will cut in half.(transfer 100$ then you will get 50$ on your bank). You will get all your money when you are dead + the 2000$ where you will always begin with.

Will there be people that die transfer to bank and repeat?
Yes but it will never go higher then 4000$ because it will always cut in half. So you don't have so much of a advantage.

Non purchased acc

These acc will not be able to build home's but they can rob others houses. In this way there will be more people playing your game. There are around 6 people playing your game this will make it more intresting


This one is pretty straight forward too. You can coppy a text into the map loader. The map will appear just like if you would build it. If you don't have enough money it will load the map but it will turn red just like if you would place a block but you don't have enough money.

Why would you want a text?
this would be way more handy if you want to share something. There are map editors already, would it not be cool if you could export it

I think the map loader would only load the peace that the file says it has to change in this way it would be way more easy to expand your home.

A file would look like this(only the numbers of course)

y x  empty
2 2 0
y x  wall
1 1 1
y x  wall
1 2 1
y x  wall
2 1 1
y x  wall
1 3 1
y x  wall
3 1 1

the map would look like this


The rest of the map has not been changed.

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