The Castle Doctrine Forums

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#1 Re: Main Forum » A Hodgepodge of Stuff - House Design & Wife Mechanics » 2014-01-25 10:25:21

That's true, which is why I think that the only way to succeed in this game is to settle. You build a defence that people can't break through without spending a huge amount of money on tools, and then you just wait. In this game, everybody loses; if you try to get richer, you'll die, or end up being robbed by someone with tools no matter what.

That's why I think that the real beauty of the game is that the only way not to lose, is to build something decent, then stop playing, maybe watch your security tapes once in a while.

That is, if you can resist coming back for one tiny, harmless, last theft.

#2 Re: Main Forum » A Hodgepodge of Stuff - House Design & Wife Mechanics » 2014-01-25 04:50:42

My house is protected by a combination lock, where it's very obvious that you will die if you don't guess the code (which is not gonna happen because there are over 100 combinations). I know that this "scary turtle" aproach is not profitable, but I think it's the only way to "beat" this game. My money is safe, my family is safe, but I don't have to lose all my humanity and start building Saw-like deathtraps for profit.

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