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#1 Main Forum » Feature request: rewind button when viewing tapes » 2014-01-25 20:19:14

Replies: 6

When viewing a security tape, I'd really like the option to rewind the action by a step.

If I'm watching a long burglary, I'll hit play and then faster a couple of times to get to the death scene smile It's mostly all I care about, but sometimes along the way the thief will do something I didn't expect, and there is no easy way for me to go back and re-watch what they did. All I can do is restart the tape. It's frustrating when the bit I want happens after a couple of hundred steps and/or the thief retraces their path several times and I'm not quite sure when they're going to do the bit I want to watch.

May I request a "step -1" button to go alongside the "step" button?

This is my first post here. I'm absolutely loving the game. I can't put it down. No really. It's gone 3am and I don't want to go to sleep in case my house gets ransacked. My wife and kids were brutally murdered. The house is all I have left. Oh, and the 24 pit bulls .. so far ... I bought in their honour. Just try opening a door in my house. I dare you. Mwahaha.

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