Discuss the massively-multiplayer home defense game.
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I know we just got finished with a bug abuse allowing wireless electronics and jere did a pretty decent job rustling people's jimmies with it (and killing people but that's nothing new for him) while it lasted, but I think wireless electronics are a neat idea. I think it would be best if there was an arbitrary number of pairs of transmitters and receivers, with each one colour coded so that there are no overlap issues. The tricky part is how you would decide which transmitter connects to which receiver, and the matter of exactly how many pairs there could be.
I mean, without any tools, it'd be about as hard to figure out what a system is doing with or without a wireless component thrown in there along the way. Once the wired wooden walls get far enough away from the player, they really have no idea where those wires are going anyway, so they might as well lead to a receiver.
The issue of balance is obviously the most important part of this, and I honestly feel like the addition of this idea will preserve balance. If a home owner wants to make sure a tool-less robber doesn't know where a wire will go, they already can, just by making that wire head in one direction out of their line of sight. There are really a number of ways to do it in the current system. This would only make it more convenient when there are big electronic systems (like clocks or maybe paradox logic or something. I really don't know what complicated electronic systems there are out there) that would be much better off in a corner of the house. This would also make designs more modular. I dunno if modularity is a thing you want, considering that home owners could theoretically completely rewire their homes with great ease by swapping around the different transmitters and receivers, but all it means in the end is that a home owner could change their wiring in a matter of minutes that might otherwise take forever.
I dunno. Maybe there's a lot more thinking involved in working out exactly what might happen with the addition of transmitters and receivers, but I think the game would not be entirely too broken with some wireless electronics.
To be honest though I do think wireless transmission has a place in Castle Doctrine.
I don't consider myself any sort of authority (haven't yet had a house worth more than 2k ) but wireless transmission solves the wired wood walls vulnerability in the top-houses and makes electronics a bit less of a hassle for all players.
I think that the main exploit was not really even wireless transmission so much as it was the "electrobreaker" issue. Players should not be able to defeat logic in that way, but I haven't seen an example of wireless transmission (that does not defy logic) causing much grief for players.
I mean, the wired wooden walls vulnerability may be something Jason wants to keep, or maybe it could be solved by wired metal walls and wired concrete walls, but the utility of wireless signals is really useful.
Yes, paradoxes are still possible.
(this is jason's 1,111th post)
First post on this forum; just wanted to say that I've been following the wireless electronics thread, and seeing this thread now gave me a pretty good laugh.
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