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#1 Re: Main Forum » electricity! » 2013-07-16 05:00:26

If anyone here has player Space Station 13, it has a mechanic where trying to cut through wired walls kills you. I really like the way walls and wiring works in that game, you can build secret doors and all kinds of stuff.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Opinions of a new player » 2013-07-16 04:30:24

jere wrote:

You are 100% correct, sir. That is no fun. But then a question arises: is that all video games are and should be? Fun? Do all films have to be entertaining and all novels escapist, all the time?

I understand that whatever the artistic intent of this game is it is tied to the gameplay mechanics themselves. If I had to guess I would say that the main themes or ideas of this game are "consequences" and " inevitability". So I understand the creator's instance in keeping the building mode as it is. But this is a multiplayer game that relies entirely on its mechanics to interest new players and keep them playing as there is minimal story/presentation. Therefore, as a multiplayer game, attracting new players should be crucial and a mechanic that outright discourages them seems like it causes more harm then good to me.

Even if a game is artistic in its ambition, it still needs to be "fun" in the sense that the combination of the game's mechanics, graphics, and/or story engage the players attention. Otherwise who would play the game? Having the building mode be obtuse and frustrating does cause the player to be more careful on robbing runs and adds to the tension of the game and the whole overall themes of the game as rebuilding your entire house is a big pain in the ass. However, once you get better at the game, the risk of killing yourself diminishes greatly as you learn to be overly cautious as well as little tricks like testing with chihuahuas first ect.

Therefore, I think this mechanic generally doesn't add much to the game other than slightly inconveniencing the experienced player and outright discouraging the new. From personal experience a new player will spend a long time, maybe hours, building their first few houses just to have to start over again and again, without even getting to watch someone attempt their house. Isn't it enough that the new player's house is probably already going to get fucked over by more experienced players and they will have to start over again and again already? The frustration that dying in build mode adds mainly punishes new players (severely), and causes less people to get into the game. For a commercial multiplayer game, shouldn't attracting and retaining new players be a major priority? I think this is just bad game design that needlessly alienates a large amount of its potential audience. Is the amount of tension this mechanic adds to the game worth the loss of players?

#3 Main Forum » Opinions of a new player » 2013-07-14 02:31:35

Replies: 9

I think this game is brilliant.  I'd say I've invested 30+ hours into it. But there are some things about it that I don't like and some things that make me want to stop playing.
I really think the house building mode is horrible. Its no fun having to restart your entire map just because you've made a silly mistake. Yeah I get it, this game is supposed to be hardcore. But getting killed in what is basically edit mode in every other game ever is just annoying. Its like if I was playing sim city or something and then my entire city got blown up because I clicked on a wrong button. If its supposed to be "realistic" why the hell do I get killed by my own dogs. I think it keeps more people from getting into/playing the game.
Also, it almost makes more sense to just let your wife get killed I hope there is some more additions made to the family aspect of the game. They seem really pointless right now.

Anyways that is my 2 cents, this is one of the most original games I've ever played. Great concept! Excited to see the release version, I'm not sure if I have any more patience to keep playing until then.

P.S. oh yeah and combo locks are fucking lame. really lame.

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