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#1 Main Forum » Possibilty of more varied family types in future update? » 2014-01-26 11:20:35

Replies: 3

I bought the game last week and I'm really enjoying it despite how much of a noob I am. My only complaint is I wish the characters had varied, gender, race, and sexuality. Perhaps based on actual statistics of the U.S. population? I'm not saying I think users should be able to select any of these factors, it should be randomly generated.

For example does the builder/robber "head of the family" person always need to be a white man?

Here are two example familys:

-Family 1: two black female children, and a gay black couple (male or female)

-Family 2: asian boy and girl, male and female asian parents. The parent selected to be the player is random.

I understand this would probably be a big update but I think it's important.

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