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#2 Re: Main Forum » Top house has been unlisted for hours » 2014-01-27 16:29:53

Not exclusive to the top 8, just that they have the most to lose.
My point was: If you'd like to have the cash in a couple hours just stay locked in. I should have.

#3 Main Forum » Top house has been unlisted for hours » 2014-01-27 16:24:54

Replies: 4

Two hours away from ending the contest I just lost my $200k to a name that is not listed and I had never seen before (as I am familiar with the top 8 names so I could be aware of their scoutings).

This person walked in with around $80k worth of tools and proceeded to destroy my house. Fair game as my house was actually very weak to brute forcing, but my issue with what just happened is another one.

The fact that this person has been unlisted for probably even days (by staying inside his house I would assume) is borderline cheating in light of this competition. Not only is this person immune to attacks, but I was unable to ever scout this person, attempt to steal his safe and most importantly I wasn't aware that there existed someone above me and prepare accordingly.

I read a couple days ago that Jason planned on doing something with people staying locked in their houses and I assumed that had been the case. I could have stayed idle inside my house and I would have $200 in my hand and a rad painting, but I decided to play fair and I was punished for it.

If you are in the top 8 at the moment: Stay in your house as that is clearly the only way.
Have fun to the rest of you !

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