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#1 Re: Main Forum » Campaign Against Combo Locks » 2014-02-01 15:19:31

I agree with you, the combo locks remove all the creativity and puzzles. Sitting there for 2 minutes wondering which step to take next and use some of that brain, is better than just trying your luck on a combo.

#3 Main Forum » My newfound love for cats(ingame cats) » 2014-02-01 10:32:28

Replies: 4

Today after a lot of different houses, i realized something.
People kill cats at first sight.

So now i tried something new. Using cats for one-way must-be-pressed buttons.
I found it quite useful. I you don't guide them the correct way and they get away, you Can't access the vault. Pretty fun actually big_smile

#4 Re: Main Forum » Was i cheated? » 2014-02-01 10:21:14

Yeah i guess. He would probably have gotten there at some point with all those tools

#5 Re: Main Forum » Was i cheated? » 2014-02-01 08:34:01

Bunch of people went into it, no one died, and everyone left, not leaving tools behind.
But i didn't look through all the videos, so someone might have had a bunch of water with them and figured it out.
Might be a lucky guy, but i just don't understand why he would not look anywhere else or not even go by the other 3 doors.

Oh well tongue

#6 Re: Main Forum » Was i cheated? » 2014-02-01 08:22:54

Yes it is a very easy house. But the fact that he did not even go to the other doors, at all, not one step not neccessary makes me wonder.
He took some chances, yet no one else never did, no one died in that house, everyone checked here and there and left, then this guy comes along and nails it.

#7 Main Forum » Was i cheated? » 2014-02-01 08:12:40

Replies: 8

Hello everybody.
Yesterday, or today, idk, i was robbed in a very strange way.
The robber went straight towards my vault on first try.
The house has several commitment gates that lead to dead ends. and cat traps that lead to death.

I didn't loose much because this was a first-time house with only 300$ total.

I recorded it with Fraps, look here for video:

Any idea how he knew?

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