The Castle Doctrine Forums

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#1 Re: Main Forum » [Suggestion] Buying a new Wife? » 2014-02-06 08:49:04

largestherb wrote:

my hostage idea was more just keeping the partner tied up in a room somewhere, no clear path needed. no gun. but maybe they continue to hold any money they had in their pockets when they were kidnapped, and that is used as the reward for anyone who finds frees them and then reaches the vault/exits the house successfully.

I think this would be a completely different game mode. Seems interesting haha

#2 Re: Main Forum » This seriously needs to be changed... » 2014-02-06 08:36:49

Turnout8 wrote:

This is actually a feature that is already implemented! You can test your house 100% safely by replacing electric floors with Conducting Indicator Lights, trapdoors and powered doors with Non-Conducting Indicator lights, and pitbulls with chihuahuas.

Then, once you safely reach your safe, backtrack to the exit (don't actually touch your safe) so that you don't get charged for the lights, and replace them with the deadly traps. But that way you won't die because you messed up wiring somewhere.

I totally understand what your saying, and I have done this. But still! During the minor little one or two changes when you put everything back to normal, especially when you have a 25k house, things start to blow up and kill you and it feels like shit. If there could be a "Run in Safe Mode" button, that would alleviate the whole switching process and simply allow you to test your dungeon in its true state. To actually save your dungeon, you'll need to run in in normal mode of course, but at least this way you'll know 100% that it's good.  Also, what if you make a mistake? Why should you die? I'm still not fully grasping this idea. I think its silly and all it serves to do is punish the person who worked super hard to build their dungeon... Maybe we should have 2 tries to complete it?

#3 Main Forum » This seriously needs to be changed... » 2014-02-06 08:23:24

Replies: 15

There's absolutely no reason why you should die when testing out your own house. This is ludicrous. The tools for testing are given to us, so that we don't have to die when testing out our own house. Yes, I get it that you need to be able to complete your own house without dying, but can't we have a testing mode?

Please either remove this feature all together, or add a testing mode where if u complete it, it doesn't count, but if you die it doesn't either that way we can test our houses properly without wasting a bunch of time. 2 times now I've made awesome super expensive 15k+ houses that no one had the chance to steal from because why? Some stupidity that killed me. A minor thing here or there that even with testing would be very hard to tell. This is not fun for me whose wasting a lot of time, nor is it fun for the depraved players who could have died in my house smile

#4 Re: Main Forum » Could not create an account for you on the game server?? » 2014-02-02 16:05:04

How long have you both ^ been waiting for? I bought it today

#5 Main Forum » Could not create an account for you on the game server?? » 2014-02-02 13:31:08

Replies: 8

Hi, I purchased the game about an hour ago, installed it off steam then tried to run it but when it says that it's trying to create an account for me (may take several minutes), I get the error message Could not create an account for you on the game server.
Has anyone had this problem? I would really like to play this game.
As well, on steam it says ->Retrieving cd key<- when I ask for it, yet it never retrieves it. I'm thinking that maybe I never got my key?

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