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#1 2014-06-02 17:12:42

From: USA, Iowa
Registered: 2014-05-26
Posts: 5

The passing of Mr. Bowers

Christopher Joseph Bowers
click thumbnail for full scale image

My first house to make it to the front page, well my first house to make it anywhere.  There were some people close to figuring out the magic dance.  But alas, it succumb to brute force.  William Kevin Kaplan (I'm guessing you own a college or two), I am glad and at the same time disappointed.  For I was waiting for the day, I would see a replay of my house being solved.  But now I get to build my next endeavour, and it's guaranteed to be a pain in the posterior.

Current Life: Randall Ralph Karr
Past Life: Christopher Joseph Bowers

The best feeling is watching someone solve your house.


#2 2014-06-02 17:26:06

Registered: 2014-02-26
Posts: 200

Re: The passing of Mr. Bowers

Kaplan?  I know that name.  I am wondering if he will be opening a school for dogs soon.


#3 2014-06-02 17:37:21

Registered: 2013-05-07
Posts: 505

Re: The passing of Mr. Bowers

He's opening up a school for being dead. It's something Kaplan turned out to be far too good at.

Current life: Not dead, but I have no clue who I am
The Life and Times of Christopher Alvin Harris
Record: 149 Paintings!


#4 2014-06-02 17:52:31

Registered: 2014-02-24
Posts: 98

Re: The passing of Mr. Bowers

Ugh. I figured it out this morning, and was going to run it tomorrow. I should've figured it out long ago, but I was dumb, and only today did I build a test house with only windows, buttons, and a chihuahua to figure out how to hit the right one. Lovely house.

I only post because I care <3


#5 2014-06-02 18:04:16

From: USA, Iowa
Registered: 2014-05-26
Posts: 5

Re: The passing of Mr. Bowers

Awesome, you mapped out with the big motion sensor.  I should of filled in the empty space behind the walls before I re-enforced the inner walls.

Current Life: Randall Ralph Karr
Past Life: Christopher Joseph Bowers

The best feeling is watching someone solve your house.


#6 2014-06-02 19:37:45

Registered: 2014-02-26
Posts: 200

Re: The passing of Mr. Bowers

haha what happened blip


#7 2014-06-03 07:22:49

Registered: 2014-02-24
Posts: 98

Re: The passing of Mr. Bowers

Yeah! it was kind of a gimme, being able to walk around the outside so easily, but it was very cool (like, I never saw inside the magic box in the southeast corner, but I got to deduce it just by looking at the map). And the 'cat alarms' were really an awesome surprise. I think I secretly love finding mechanics like that, which were neither meant to be seen, touched, or ever even to be part of the solution. It's like finding an easter egg, or some part of a game that you weren't supposed to ever reach, but somebody was there and built something anyway.

Last edited by FreeLove (2014-06-03 07:23:27)

I only post because I care <3


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