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#1 2014-12-15 16:59:16

Registered: 2014-11-22
Posts: 299

Im a jerk...

so i was guarding some cash i was gonna use to help rob passive but my cooldown hadn't worn off and any protection would cause taht cash to be less than the starter so i camped it.
I camped that 3200 for a solid hour.
i peeked out of my house for a second to check my cool down and BAM guy comes in and takes half of it (with a 2k starter pack on him)
I instantly check his place
Its a empty 2k starter
I nab half the cash he took from me.
He's clubbed my wife.
I buy a club with the 700 i have on me and i go back there.
He's gone with all the cash to rob passive...
I club the wife but leave the kids so he is forced to leave space and not have the insurance.
Life sucks.
We both die.
$5200 lost to nothingness...

Last edited by JAAM (2014-12-15 17:16:00)

You are unique, just like everybody else.


#2 2014-12-17 04:50:39

Registered: 2014-08-05
Posts: 84

Re: Im a jerk...

IT would descend into a free for all, everyone robbing each other without scruples, if you couldn't take revenge for misdeeds.


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