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remembered that i did this and i find it quite useful, so maybe some others might, too!
it comes configured for 1024x768 and i have only tested it in windowed mode, but i imagine it is fine in fullscreen.
common resolution for players here seemed to be 1920x1080, but i have a 16:10 monitor stuck at 1680x1050 so i can't help with the coordinates for that, but it is easy to find them if you take a screenshot and can figure out autoit3 (pretty simple)
written in autoit3 in about four minutes. hot keys bound by default to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. ~ F2 closes the script.
maybe i'll stop being lazy and remember enough autoit to make it pause instead of closing, so you can use your number keys in other windows without having to rerun the script
download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wx0qrqkodkwm7 … otkeys.rar ~
virus scans: jotti.org ~ virscan.org
feel free to not trust it and compile the script yourself, i will not be offended!
i have included the source file (which can also be found below) and a compiled executable for those who do not have/want autoit installed.
and also here is a quick dumb video of me committing suicide on top of a chihuahua. http://youtu.be/Kb8-tbG_Nvs
; the castle hotkeyn by largestherb for all your 1024x768 castle doctrine hot key needs.
$title = "castle keys"
autoitsetoption("mousecoordmode", 0)
HotKeySet("{F2}", "request_end")
HotKeySet("1", "one")
HotKeySet("2", "two")
HotKeySet("3", "three")
HotKeySet("4", "four")
HotKeySet("5", "five")
HotKeySet("6", "six")
HotKeySet("7", "seven")
HotKeySet("8", "eight")
Local $i = 0
While $i <= 10
; buttans
func one()
local $pos = MouseGetPos()
MouseClick("left",860, 220, 1, 0)
MouseMove( $pos[0] , $pos[1] , 0)
func two()
local $pos = MouseGetPos()
MouseClick("left",860, 290, 1, 0)
MouseMove( $pos[0] , $pos[1] , 0)
func three()
local $pos = MouseGetPos()
MouseClick("left",860, 360, 1, 0)
MouseMove( $pos[0] , $pos[1] , 0)
func four()
local $pos = MouseGetPos()
MouseClick("left",860, 430, 1, 0)
MouseMove( $pos[0] , $pos[1] , 0)
func five()
local $pos = MouseGetPos()
MouseClick("left",930, 220, 1, 0)
MouseMove( $pos[0] , $pos[1] , 0)
func six()
local $pos = MouseGetPos()
MouseClick("left",930, 290, 1, 0)
MouseMove( $pos[0] , $pos[1] , 0)
func seven()
local $pos = MouseGetPos()
MouseClick("left",930, 360, 1, 0)
MouseMove( $pos[0] , $pos[1] , 0)
func eight()
local $pos = MouseGetPos()
MouseClick("left",930, 430, 1, 0)
MouseMove( $pos[0] , $pos[1] , 0)
; end
func request_end()
Last edited by largestherb (2013-07-08 18:36:30)
I would definitely love that feature built inside TCD. I'm playing on Mac, your solution is not working for me ...
I guess we can expect it later, for the polish time !?
Obviously, this is not hard to do on my end.
However, I've been avoiding it because I'm concerned about the UI for it. I wouldn't want to add more numerical overlays to those backpack slot (cluttered). On the other hand, it's bad UI for it to be invisible. Of course, since there's no dangerous consequence to picking a tool, I could just let players press random numbers to learn the slot mappings. Or maybe just show the hotkey mappings in the tool tips?
Listing the shortcut in the tooltip would suffice!
I do think it would make more sense if the slots were numbered like so:
Oh, do you?!
I can imagine no one agreeing about the right numbering order.
We will have to resort to a duel.
However, I've been avoiding it because I'm concerned about the UI for it. I wouldn't want to add more numerical overlays to those backpack slot (cluttered).
I suggest no graphical modification of the UI -- only a highlighting text that would appear when you move the mouse cursor over the slots. And of course easily redefineable (a key.cfg text file somewhere not too far...).
Pages: 1