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If a family member first sees you as the result of a move which causes the screen to scroll, it seems to get to move immediately. Normally they don't start moving until the next turn.
Presumably this is a bug? I don't know if it's new, but the panic buttons make it particularly nasty - what looks like a safe move might be instakill.
See Preston William Turner for a nice example.
what looks like a safe move might be instakill.
it is slightly more devious than a cat pushing a button a few turns later, and i kind of like how delicious that is. but it is certainly a little unfair to have no warning at all
I guess you do have warning in that you know that screen shifts are unsafe when stepping onto dangerous tiles. It also seems to make sense that when you are putting your family on the line it is more powerful than just using a cat. It is counter-intuitive though, which is a big negative from the point of view of keeping new players interested. There are certainly no logical reasons why family members should get a free move when the screen shifts. It has been fun exploiting it (I think I must have been Mr Turner).
By the way, welcome back Mr Temple.
Is THAT how Turner's house did that? I was killed by that, and totally stumped by how he pulled that off. The horrible part is that you're laying there in the pit and you can't even see the thing that caused you to die. It's a total mystery.
Yes, that is unintended behavior for sure. I'll look into it.
There was an earlier house that (I think unintentionally) got me with the same trick. I was completely stumped as well but figured it out when my family wasn't acting the way I wanted it to during some testing.
Okay, this has been fixed in source and will be released in v21.
Okay, v21 is out now with this issue fixed.