Discuss the massively-multiplayer home defense game.
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i am sure it is by no fault of their own, but this player's house has a dog 'hidden' on a door that will eat you the moment you walk in, if you aren't squinting carefully.
perhaps when a dog starts on a door, the door should be open?
No it is completely my fault . I thought this would be a good way to highlight the fact that dogs being invisible when on doors is stupid and needs fixing. I assume you've been using Mr Temples money to bankroll attacks on me again? (Though this time you are kind of justified
) Anyway, people seem to have cottoned on that walking onto closed door is a bad idea without putting your mouse over them first.
shouldn't be hard to fix, just need the door state to be open and it should look okay!
i haven't poked around too much, got eaten by the dog and it piqued my curiosity so i shot it and had a look to see if it was the ultimate doggy defence!
It's funny because right after the tape where R R Williams shoots the dog and explores my house (and eventually gets trapped) the next tape is of a robber R B Henderson coming to my house with over $8000 worth of tools and acts like he's already scouted the place out and, further, is happy to not leave any escape path (something I've seen you do a few times). No other tapes have anyone scouting or shooting the dog and Mr Temple was the only house with money in it that I saw before the attack. You can see why I am suspicious. Maybe you shot my dog before the last update? (after which my tapes were wiped).
The only real advantage of this defence is the element of surprise. The dog acts as if it wasn't on a door and can be shot/put to sleep as usual. It is difficult to set up though (although I guess you could easily do it with dual accounts).
So.... you're supposed to report this stuff to me, sir! :-)
Anyway, how did you get the dog to end up on the door like that? Did someone drug the dog while it was standing in the open doorway, and then successfully rob your house? I can't find the tape that shows how the dog got there in the first place.
I was planning to report it eventually, I just thought this would be a funner way of bringing it to your attention . And the game currently is about finding clever and unexpected ways of luring robbers to their dooms.
My tapes were wiped out with version 21. To get the dog there I built a house in which the most simple way to get to the vault safely was to lure a pit bull guarding the vault onto the door and then drug it: http://castledraft.com/editor/NIOspj. Luckily for me someone robbed it in exactly the way I set it up to be robbed. And now the house became an instakill as soon as you step off the doormat.
some other problems this house is showcasing and possible solutions..
can't disable indicator lights ~ water/club/crowbar to break those suckers! (i've discovered i'm not a fan of tiles that can't be broken )
dogge can't pass panic button, but will jump on it to eat you. ~ unsure if this is a huge problem, replaces the old dead cat in a pit kind of thing, i guess. hmm. button dog button dog button dog button dog.. bit boring family defence
Last edited by largestherb (2013-10-24 17:36:13)
If indicator lights could be broken I'd probably use unbreakable sticking switches and voltage triggered inverted switches instead and have an untargettable pet turn on the sticky ones. I think water wouldn't make sense for breaking lights but crowbar/brick could work and would make it similar to windows. I kind of like the fact that you can make unbreakable circuits on the ground though, it means that wired walls have another disadvantage.
In terms of the panic button dogs will never step on them, even when you are on them, otherwise I couldn't safely get through my house (or off the welcome mat). So they are not useful in this way for family defence as you can just stand on them and club the dog. They are still useful for when you want the dogs to stop chasing you. So they aren't really broken (the only problem is that I see this as their main use).
And no, pressing all of the buttons is not the way to get to my vault (spoiler for everyone else).
ooh dogs wont jump on them to eat you. i was wondering how you were editing without moving that dog! aha. interesting stuff.
i have given my house a renovation!
Yeah, I saw the massive drop in funds. I'm not going to buy a ladder to have a look while there is only $96 in the vault though.
Nothing should be totally unbreakable in this game (because that lets people use it in unintended ways like this). So, I'll fix both the sticking switch and the indicator lights to be jimmy-able.
As in crowbar only?
Yeah, that's what I have in there now (in source, not released).
Same as the voltage-triggered switches (can be broken only with crowbar).
Mr Solomon is no more. It's always sad when you die during a self test with a massive bounty on your head.
I wanted that bounty.... why you no die in my house?
It wasn't clever enough to get me . At least you got your own $32,000 bounty back
(I'm assuming that was you...).
I had literally just changed things around only slightly with the hopes of catching you off guard, when I noticed that your name was no longer on the list, I honestly assumed you had hung yourself in frustration. =b
Well, I robbed you with new lives after that and die so I doubt it would have worked had I survived. The reason I died is because I changed my vault location but forgot that I did and went the usual route after the dog run.
I miss having space for my disco room, now I have to use that space for wife defence .
Oh wait, I did die that one time. But then it was a starter life and I was being reckless. And then you edited things and I discovered the answer was more saws (and a whole lot of luck at the end there ).
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