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#1 2013-10-25 11:51:24

Registered: 2013-04-01
Posts: 1,235

Plan for the next week or so

I think we're in the final stretch here, in terms of alpha testing.

A few issues with v21 have been raised (dogs hiding under doors, and unbreakable lights and sticking switches).  I've fixed both of these in source.

BUT, I need you folks to keep an eye out for anything else that needs to be fixed.

For example, I'm assuming that the game hasn't crashed for anyone for at least a month.  Am I right about that?  Also, any server-side errors that have caused someone to die?  I think those have all been fixed.  Any other weirdness that I've been missing?

Obviously, I can't fix it if you don't tell me about it.  Keep my email address handy:

This will be the final weekend of "core" testing, and you folks that are still reading this forum are the core.  I am deeply indebted to all of you for sticking with this process for so many months!

After we find any lingering things, and I release the fixes in v22, then we'll move into one last round of expanded testing, where invite all 4600 alpha players back into the fold for one final, thorough push of testing.

As that final expanded testing proceeds, I'll be doing the coding necessary to get the game working on Steam.  Then, I'll iron out a launch date with Valve, and proceed with my launch plans (which aren't entirely set in stone yet, but will likely involve a resurrection of that "mystery contest" from so many months ago).


#2 2013-11-14 12:53:27

Registered: 2013-04-01
Posts: 1,235

Re: Plan for the next week or so

Okay... so the "or so" part meant nearly three weeks!

But with v24, all known bugs have been fixed, and I think that sailing is smooth enough to invite people back into the fold for one final push.

Also, the game has now been featured on that Penny Arcade Extra Credits video TWICE.... well, it was the same video, but reposted again yesterday for some reason, which got a whole new batch of viewers.  So, we have a bunch of really new people right now.

That means that we're up over 4800 people now, and pushing toward 4900.  121 people have played in the past week, with 31 playing yesterday, and 35 playing so far today.  This is the liveliest the game has been for as long time.

Time to send out 4800 emails.


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