The Castle Doctrine Forums

Discuss the massively-multiplayer home defense game.

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#1 2013-11-05 06:58:28

Registered: 2013-11-05
Posts: 1

Thank you

Hi guys,

You haven't seen me on the forums yet as I haven't been actively posting here at all (I'm not even sure I ever had an account until now). But I've played castle doctrine here and there since v5 and enjoyed it very much (especially that sweet time in the beginning before everyone knew how to build vicious bitlocks and magic dances). I've been following the discussions on this forum at least weekly since I first played the game and I've read pretty much every post any of you posted since then.

Castle doctrine had its ups and many many downs in the last months. At some points in time I sincerely had very little hope left that this game concept could ever really work because of those almost impossibly hard balancing issues all of us know so well. Yet, with some strikingly good new ideas, you developed a new balancing concept that could actually work no matter the size of the player base and still keep the mood of the game intact. I'd like to thank you all before the inevitable flood of people will drown the forum after the game gets released on steam.

Thank you Jason for developing this great game and sticking with your vision even when it looked so hard to ever make it all work as intended. Also there's all of you guys being reliably active on the forums, endlessly pitching ideas with with a very responsive and open minded Jason and actively trying to break the game in many hours of playtime. The game as it stands right now, especially the fact that it finally seems to work so well, is an incredible achievement by this comunity. Some of the most fun I ever had with any game ever was reading all of your posts in this forum.

Thank you


#2 2013-11-05 12:51:57

Registered: 2013-04-01
Posts: 1,235

Re: Thank you

Sweet post there!

Yes, this has been one lovely ride for sure.  I've made 17 games, but this is the first game for which a community (albeit a small one) has grown up around it.  It's wonderful.  The lingo, the jokes, the quotes and so on.  And the fact that I know so many of you so well, even though we've never met.

And of course, all of you have been instrumental in making this game better.  I mean, we've been through 23 revisions.  Back in March of 2013, the game was "done" as far as I was aware (it had gone through small, private pre-alpha testing for a month or so, and I had ironed out every issue that we had encountered).  But it clearly had a long way to go, and many fresh ideas were needed to overcome the challenges that we faced.

It's also amazing to me that people are STILL discovering new things about these mechanics 7 months later.  Josh's pulsing clock thing was possible from v1, but didn't rear it's head until just recently.

And so many of you have stuck with the game for so long.... some since the very beginning of alpha testing.

I'm deeply indebted to all of you, and I'll never forget you.

Maybe we'll all meet in person someday.... at TCD-Con!  :-)


#3 2013-11-05 13:32:50

Registered: 2013-04-06
Posts: 334

Re: Thank you

This post is a beam of pure goodness. You just struck fear into the heart of the internet!


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