The Castle Doctrine Forums

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#1 2013-12-03 12:42:03

Registered: 2013-12-01
Posts: 176


I have discovered the game recently and I am quite hooked on it. To me what is the most annoying to learn is guessing the computation sequence used at each step. As far as I know (tell me if I'm wrong), it is *player moves* then *pets move, knowing that dogs move before cats*, then *objects and electronics*, then *field of vision updated for both the player and the animals*. But can anyone tell me where in that sequence are the family moves made? Where are the tests of death for each creature made?
I would propose an idea to help newcomers overcome this: at each step, there would be a very slight delay between each sub-step. For example the player moves, and 1/10 of second later the pets move, then electronics, etc. Some very short delay (to avoid slowing the game response), barely noticeable but that would look clear to the player's mind. Has this been tried already?


#2 2013-12-04 04:07:35

Registered: 2013-07-28
Posts: 538

Re: sequences

Family members move before electronics are sorted (so if they tread on a panic button it will be on in the electronics for that turn). Test for death is done after everything else is resolved, so if you or a pet steps onto a tile which switches from deadly to safe that turn you or the pet will be safe.

A visual delay could be confusing in that you would see a pet move onto an open trapdoor slightly before you see it close yet still remain safe. The fact that you move before object states are visually updated could also give the false impression that stepping on a trapdoor as it closes or an electric floor as it loses power will still be deadly.

Also, it is not the case that dogs move before cats, they both move at the same time and preference is given based on the direction they wish to move (that is up > right > left > down).

Last edited by joshwithguitar (2013-12-04 04:08:58)


#3 2013-12-04 13:09:36

Registered: 2013-12-01
Posts: 176

Re: sequences

Thanks for this information!


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