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#1 2013-12-01 12:59:53

Registered: 2013-11-07
Posts: 45

Questions about wife + gun

I've got a few questions about wife and family member behaviors that I hope can be answered fairly easily by anyone in the know.

1)  What is the range of the shotgun?
2)  When holding the shotgun if the wife moves into range will she fire immediately after movement?
3)  When holding the shotgun will the wife ever deviate from the shortest path out of the building (assuming no killed children)?
4)  If I can reach the shotgun before her can I take it?
5)  My understanding is that if I club a kid the wife will run to them rather than the exit.  Is this correct?
5)a)  Does this behavior change if she is armed?
5)b)  Will she still shoot on sight when running to fallen kid?
5)c)  Does the kids body have to be line of sight or does she always just know?
5)d)  Does going to the fallen child persist between robbery attempts?  For example if I clubbed a kid after the armed wife escaped and then I left when I came back would the wife immediately take the most direct path to the child?
6)  What is the range on the hand gun?
7)  Can the wife shoot the shotgun the same step that it is picked up?
8)  Line of fire:  strait lines that are not blocked by walls clearly are counted by the spaces covered but how does range get counted on diagonals/possible partial cover?
9)  Do children block line of fire?

Thank-you for any and all answers.


#2 2013-12-01 16:18:44

From: england
Registered: 2013-05-27
Posts: 381

Re: Questions about wife + gun

1) one tile
2) yes
3) i do not believe so
4) no
5) yes
5)a) not from what i have seen
5)b) yes
5)c) 'a mother knows'
5)d) if the child is blocking the route to the exit, the wife (and any remaining child) will not move. at all. if a route to the exit still exists, she will escape. casually ignoring the dead child if it is on the way.
6) i believe it is three tiles
7) i think so
8) good question.
9) no


#3 2013-12-02 08:39:46

Registered: 2013-04-01
Posts: 1,235

Re: Questions about wife + gun

Thematically, the shotgun has a trigger lock that only the wife has a key to (you can see the trigger lock left behind on the floor after she picks up the shotgun, and if you mouse over the shotgun before she picks it up, the trigger locked state is evident in the tool tip).

To find the reach of various tools, look it:


Each tool has a reach.txt file.  Keep in mind that changing these values on your client WILL change the way that your game behaves, but won't change what the server is expecting from you, which will likely result in a mismatch that will get you killed.

ANYWAY, for a tile to be reachable by some tool, that tile has to be:

1) visible, and

2) within "reach" non-diagonal, unblocked steps from you ("Manhattan distance")

In other words, if you can see it now (mousing over produces a tool tip for it), and you could step there in X key presses, then you can apply a tool with reach X to that spot.


#4 2013-12-02 14:44:53

Registered: 2013-11-07
Posts: 45

Re: Questions about wife + gun

Thank-you both for your fantastic and informative answers.

I had noticed the trigger lock and that it is left behind when the gun is picked up, nice detail.  Usually there is no way for the robber to get to the shotgun first but I figured I should ask about that edge case in case it ever came up.


#5 2013-12-04 11:06:13

Registered: 2013-04-01
Posts: 1,235

Re: Questions about wife + gun

Oh, you can put the shotgun wherever you want, so it's totally possible for the robber to reach it first.  And you can put more than one down... so... various misdirections and tricks are possible.


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