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#1 2013-04-03 14:29:52


Robbed but no security tape?

Hello there! I have had this happen twice now. I wasn't able to enter my home due to it being robbed.
Afterwards I could enter, nothing was missing and there was no security tapes? Is this intentional? A bug? Help

#2 2013-04-03 15:04:27

Registered: 2013-04-01
Posts: 10

Re: Robbed but no security tape?

Security tapes are only made if a family member is killed or your vault is robbed.


#3 2013-04-03 15:37:30

From: California
Registered: 2013-04-02
Posts: 23

Re: Robbed but no security tape?

That's also why you'll see numbers go up in your security tape logs, and you may have a number like [ 17    2  ], but you may only have like 3 logs of people trying to rob you. That would mean of the 17, only 3 of them did something that would get them recorded. (That something is noted in the post by rmmh above)


#4 2013-04-03 16:54:06


Re: Robbed but no security tape?

Why is that? I would like to see all attempts of burglary not only those that end in mayhem.

#5 2013-04-04 02:26:42

Registered: 2013-04-02
Posts: 537

Re: Robbed but no security tape?

It only records if the robber dies, steals from the vault or kills a family member.
If you were shown all tapes, it would be full of people just entering, maybe taking one step, then leaving.


#6 2013-04-04 07:12:05


Re: Robbed but no security tape?

So? I still consider that fun and entertaining.
Filters could be easily set up to have a recording only if for example :
a) the robber stayed in there for a certain time period (more than 1 minute)
b) the robber made more than X number of steps

If this is not even considered at least it would be nice to see a statistic saying (X people tried to rob you, that would count ALL the entries not only those that end in death or steal or something being killed)

#7 2013-04-04 07:26:44

Registered: 2013-04-02
Posts: 537

Re: Robbed but no security tape?

I think the original intention of security tapes was to catch people hacking for their advantage and people doing that aren't just going to leave without doing anything. Now you've almost completely changed your suggestion though, I think some specific ones like that could be nice so long as they were toggleable and there aren't any technical issues with doing it.

To be honest though when you've got a more expensive house even the death tapes start to get boring, I doubt I'd ever just look at people entering then leaving.

Your second suggestion is already in the game I think, look at the white number.

Last edited by colorfusion (2013-04-04 07:29:14)


#8 2013-04-04 10:21:25

Registered: 2013-04-01
Posts: 1,235

Re: Robbed but no security tape?

There are a few reasons:

1) Each tape takes up room on the server.  As it stands, the robbery log table is the biggest table, by about a factor of 10.

2) For each permanent, meaningful event (like reaching the vault), there are dozens of scouting attempts.

3) Watching someone scouting and leaving is boring.

4) When someone scouts and leaves, whatever damage they do is auto-repaired (to prevent chipping away through multiple scouting trips).  This would be inconsistent for the house owner (seeing damage being done on a scouting tape, but then not seeing that damage in the house).  This is already present to some extent, if a robber does damage and then dies---you see the damage on tape, but then it's auto-repaired (but the desire to see people dying in your traps overrides the concern about inconsistency).


#9 2013-04-05 08:12:02


Re: Robbed but no security tape?

Ideally I'd just like some indication of how many people where in my house ever (even if just for scouting purpouses).
Currently I need to get robbed or generally an action that leaves a security tape will let me see some numbers. But if no one robs me for the next 3 hours I won't have a way of knowing if anyone is comming and going at all (except if i manage to click go back home when someone is in there already).

Are you planning on adding a visitors counter or something along those lines? I would really like that becasue as it stands now, without a counter of how many people enter/leave I have no idea if my house is not attractive to rob or simply people don't go inside at all (so my amount of money is not enough )

#10 2013-04-05 09:59:33

Registered: 2013-04-01
Posts: 1,235

Re: Robbed but no security tape?

Good point!

On the list for v6.


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