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#1 2014-01-31 13:04:56

Registered: 2013-05-07
Posts: 505

The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

Look on the steam forums. People are complaining about difficulty and how they can't make any money. Then, look at these forums. People are lamenting how we have hundreds of thousands of dollars and nothing to do with it other than wreck houses arbitrarily. There's a massive wealth gap in the game, and it seems that, even after death, the same players rise to the top - namely the alpha players, or the veterans, who know what we're doing. Nobody else stands a chance if they're new to the game. New Steam players, trying to figure out how a voltage triggered switch even works, have no chance of robbing a house controlled by three cats and a clock! They just keep dying and pouring even more wealth into the hands of the rich. And we let them! The rich and knowledgeable are letting this happen because it's good for us; but it's not good for the game as a whole. There aren't enough resources on how to play the game well; the wiki's mediocre at best, and then there are a couple outdated videos on YouTube, plus a couple forum threads. This really does little at best. We need to get a way for new players to learn, and we need to create it fast - otherwise they'll leave and the game population will plummet.

Any suggestions?

Current life: Not dead, but I have no clue who I am
The Life and Times of Christopher Alvin Harris
Record: 149 Paintings!


#2 2014-01-31 13:07:26

Registered: 2013-05-31
Posts: 540

Re: The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

I agree with you, even though I think solving the problems at the top are still important.

I thought about making a tutorial video that systematically goes through everything you need to know:

-How you can die.
-How to self test.
-How to use all the tools.
-How to make a simple trap.
-Basic explanation of advanced traps: magic dance, clocks, gating.


[if anyone knows the easiest free way to do LP videos, I'd appreciate tips]

Last edited by jere (2014-01-31 13:09:49)

Golden Krone Hotel - a vampire roguelike


#3 2014-01-31 13:11:55

Registered: 2014-01-30
Posts: 7

Re: The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

I think videos like that would be extremely helpful.

I've heard of things like magic dances, and I fundamentally understand know what it is, but I don't even know where to start on building one.

I think there should also be a guide to general wiring so people can experiment and try to make traps on their own.

You can try using something like FRAPS, BandiCam, Xsplitt, etc.

Last edited by Fatalis (2014-01-31 13:14:15)


#4 2014-01-31 13:34:43

Registered: 2014-01-31
Posts: 4

Re: The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

Started 4h before steam release and if i am correct #3 in the houses section. Thank you ~ 240 robbers big_smile
So not just the alpha players can succeed. Non the less, the more tutorials the merrier smile


#5 2014-01-31 13:43:58

From: england
Registered: 2013-05-27
Posts: 381

Re: The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

learning the intricacies and nuances of this game (and holy cow there are a lot!) is.. i think a never ending process. today i saw two new things i had never seen before that made me go 'oooh wow!'

it is great fun when you see someone do something you've had in the planning stages for a while but could never quite figure out how to make it work, because you can then borrow their solution big_smile


#6 2014-01-31 14:00:00

Registered: 2014-01-31
Posts: 8

Re: The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

Speaking as a new player, the most helpful thing for me would probably be a guide on how to rob successfully. I can build an okay house, but I keep coming unstuck on other people's, especially since I have practically no cash for tools. A guide on robbing, especially in the early stages of the game, would help me immensely.

P.S. Loving the game.


#7 2014-01-31 14:48:36

Registered: 2014-01-26
Posts: 6

Re: The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

I would actually like to show off my current house as an example of how and why they are successful, but I also feel mixed about giving away everything when the game was just released on Steam.  I am not a very good robber but I think I'm pretty decent at house design that isn't like "you need 20 dynamite to breach me".... which is critical to building something that is initially affordable that you can improve over time.

I know some trap details are on the forum, but there's much less discussion on vulnerabilities.  There's a pretty significant downside to one particularly common building component, based on what people normally bring in tools.  And I don't mean the ladder and crowbar, which is obviously not cost effective for a new life.  I am also not sure how much people use feints in their design since I can not see your entire map, but mine are pretty effective when someone who knows the basics walks in.


#8 2014-01-31 15:01:13

Registered: 2013-04-13
Posts: 22

Re: The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

What if there was a way to distinguish people who were in the alpha, it would be like an easy neighbourhood and a hard neighbourhood.


#9 2014-01-31 20:13:11

Registered: 2013-07-25
Posts: 41

Re: The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

Segregate the playerbase? I guess, until the newbies wisen up too, and then have their own hierarchy.


#10 2014-02-01 12:50:41

Registered: 2014-01-31
Posts: 69

Re: The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

Seperating the playerbase would not be a good idea.

The newbs will die and die, 'til they learn to survive.

then they learn it.

BUT we need a guide on robbery side.


#11 2014-02-01 21:03:58

Registered: 2013-07-28
Posts: 538

Re: The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

Well, in the same way the best way to learn to defend your house is to see how other houses kill you, one of the best ways to learn to rob is watching tapes and seeing how other players rob you. To a certain degree guides can become 'spoilers' that remove this natural side to learning and the more people turn to guides on how to rob the harder it will be to defend a house.

I will admit there are a few counter intuitive things, such as dog movement around dead pets, that it seems players take a while to understand and it would be good to be able to explain them to people quickly, but perhaps overall what we need is to guide people to be able to learn through making mistakes. It is a rogue-like after all. People don't complain after a trap they've never seen before kills them in Spelunky causing them to have to start over and they don't expect guides telling them exactly what each trap does before they meet it.

Last edited by joshwithguitar (2014-02-01 21:06:20)


#12 2014-02-01 21:34:57

Registered: 2014-01-31
Posts: 123

Re: The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

I started 3 days ago without anyone help and without any kind of guide and I'm starting to make pretty decent house than can get to around 20k-30k without any problem at first I thought the wife was useless and worthless, but now the wife is a life saver if you go sleep and someone was somehow able to break in your vault he steal half your money you still have enough to repair and continue with this life.

If you have no wife then you end up at 0$ which is very hard to continue after that unless you find one of these easy to steal vault which is pretty rare.

I see a lot of people leaving the wife to die because they don't want her which is pretty stupid if you ask me.

Guides and tutorials are not necessary for most of the people they will learn from their mistake and become better over time, but I guess some people do need them or they will stay *bad Noobs* forever.

Last edited by Vegeta9001 (2014-02-01 21:42:03)


#13 2014-02-02 02:02:05

From: england
Registered: 2013-05-27
Posts: 381

Re: The Wealth Gap and the Skill Gap

vegeta is the pound coin you find on the beach and buy an ice cream with!

i really don't understand all these new players coming to the conclusion that their partner is useless!


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