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Pages: 1
Is there any way to tell what your bounty is/was?
Is it bad that anytime I kill a wife, just before I hit her, I mouse over her and say "Well (Mrs. Trimble/Dorothy) welcome to the club!" or "Well (Mrs. Trimble/Dorothy) join the club!"
The only way I can think of finding out what your bounty approximately was is looking up the house you died in and seeing how much its value has increased - making sure to take into the account the value of the tools you left when you died.
You could also keep track of how many family you've killed and vaults you've robbed.
No comments about my 2nd question? I'm a little shocked to be honest...
No comments about my 2nd question? I'm a little shocked to be honest...
i've said similar silly things to ukuko
No comments about my 2nd question? I'm a little shocked to be honest...
It sadly reflects on us all as TCD players...
Pages: 1