The Castle Doctrine Forums

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#1 2014-02-12 12:53:17

Registered: 2014-02-11
Posts: 4

Cost of building going up and promotion for the wealthy to go robbing

As a way to deter sitting atop your wealth, why not have the prices in the shop go up say 200 dollars each 5000 dollars you have in your bank? For example, when you have 15,000 dollars a Saw would cost $1000 rather than $400?

The reason for this is whenever a wealthy player wants to go out robbing (and I have an idea to promote this don't worry) they're collection actually takes a hit, which would give them incentive to either
A: Go robbing for more money
B: Try to rob without using tools.

Now as a way to promote robbing another person house, a Wear and Tear mechanic could be introduced or a way to steal possessions.

First the Wear and Tear mechanic, if say for example you don't go out robbing for too long, your devices start to degrade in effectiveness, power cables don't go as far, machines are faulty (may or may not work, with an increasing chance to not work as time goes on) and animals starve (Here by moving slower and eventually dieing).
And the only way to correct this is either by
A: Replacing them (bear in mind this would affect everything)
B: Pay a fee to have them all fixed (A percentage of the total worth but cheaper than replacing them all)

Both ways would dent the persons wealth and promote robbing.

Alternatively, rather than a Club killing an animal, it could knock it out and you can take it back to your house to employ as your own, (Sleeping pills wouldn't work here).
And if you isolate a piece of wall or mechanic, that too is ripe for the taking.
Heck you could even try and go for a ransom mechanic as well, knock a wife or kid out and demand a ransom.

So what do you guys think?
Ways to promote wealthy people robbing and too keep them in check, which do you prefer.


#2 2014-02-12 23:27:11

Registered: 2014-02-08
Posts: 96

Re: Cost of building going up and promotion for the wealthy to go robbing

WarmechaM1 wrote:

As a way to deter sitting atop your wealth

You can't sit atop your wealth unless you rob everyone defensively like jwg was doing; and even then it's a losing battle. Once you've attracted skilled thieves your house is going to fall. The game lies in how many you can fool into dying and wasting tools along the way. A lot of the fun of the castle doctrine comes from watching how people tear apart your defenses (and they WILL tear them apart).

Last edited by redxaxder (2014-02-12 23:31:28)


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