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#1 Main Forum » How is the way for Mr E. M. Roberts? » 2014-05-16 02:10:36

Replies: 6

This is what I found out.

You cant walk down!
So how can you walk up?

#2 Main Forum » Mr Ward is dead » 2014-05-16 02:02:48

Replies: 13

After 48 paintings and hundrets of dead robbers i died on a robbery at Mr Roberts.

Thats happen with single accounts and I m proud of using only one account.

So here is the map:


Edit: The Beebe collection is again on the auction wink

#3 Re: Main Forum » I'm out » 2014-04-18 05:11:26

crazyace wrote:

edit: Jason Thanks You for all the multi accounts you helped him sell.

If he ist thinking that, what I dont believe, then it is a shot in his own foot.

Because these few multiacc buyer keeps players quiting and thousends of possibles new players away for this beautyfull little game.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Robbed by a multi-account & suggestion to combat them. » 2014-04-17 08:38:25

Hey mala,

this is exacly what I m doing now with my code switches.

So all the theories and discussion about figure out by trying are useless smile

Edit: BTW why are the paintings so cheap now?

#5 Re: Main Forum » Robbed by a multi-account & suggestion to combat them. » 2014-04-17 07:44:36

Hello Pohaku,

welcome to the experience club smile

A good analogy for this problem is:

Like playing monopoly in real life:
And one person is playing for two players. He can give his alt credit, sell houses for nothing, and on and on.
Nobody will do this in real life.

But this is a computergame with anonymos players.
And some of them will ever try to get an advantage also by not fair things.

This is just a small indipendent 8-Bit game.
And the players should have a moral to play it fair.

But it isnt. And so for me the game is broken.
Correcting the bounty issue will nothing change.
You can try around a bit but dont play serious.

#6 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-16 02:31:19


I understand your principe.

But Imho these trap is too unsave.

You have just 32 posibilities and some robber can try several times and look at the door.
I would chose this version only in pregame with less money.

A dog will it make more interresting like:

so the robber without meat hase just one try.

Edit: Or additional a second door that give the robber also just one try:

#7 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 23:46:01

gyuri wrote:
Blip wrote:

It would be interesting to see somebody build a phony combo lock with the real solution being a single-button press counter.

I just had a low budget house with this combo lock:

You have to press the first toggle switch twice and avoid the other two. It looks cheap and noobish, but I think it's not too easy to guess the combination, especially with a pitbull right behind you that gives you just enough time to press two buttons. And you don't really need any press counter or fancy stuff like that.

Gyuri and Blip,

big thanks for explaining.

Im to bad in writing explainings so people can not follow me.

So thank you very much smile

#8 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 23:41:45

Lord0fHam wrote:
Blip wrote:

In his house, whether the buttons are sticky or not makes no difference, as there's a leap of faith there anyway. However, the non sticky buttons could technically be hooked up to a press counter (a complex piece of electronics zed and I thought up back in v8 that counts the amount of times a button has been pressed), thus making the lock very, very hard to guess. It would be interesting to see somebody build a phony combo lock with the real solution being a single-button press counter.

Actually, I've robbed his house before. all the leap of faith is, is a chihuahua way above you stepping on a button as you walk over an umpowered pit. all i did to rob him was break to the chihuahua and press the button myself. then i could try all the combos because the buttons weren't sticky. otherwise, i would have had to break back to the chihuahua again everytime using many tools.

Who am I. And who are you!?

Please stop fooling me around!

Is there any ignore function at this board?

#9 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 23:39:44

Cylence wrote:

Iceman has given a plausible explanation.
I don't think there's any way to verify if someone cheated or not.

I'm just here to ask one question that might have been missed.
Did you get any 1 step suicide tapes?
If so, it's possible someone died from the cops but saw more of your map than you think he did.

Thank you for you detailed answer and explaining the cop thing.

Maybe at over 200 robbers there was 1 or 2 suicide at the entrance.
This is the only logical answer for me. Because nobody ever exaimed my circuit.
IMHO: This is a very weak softwarepart for hackers.

Cylence wrote:

2. Use a powered door instead of a trapdoor for the combo lock. It'll take a crowbar $2400 to brute force, which means 2k divers can't go past it (comparing to a trapdoor).
4. 3 button combo locks can be solved with minimal saws, as Iceman pointed out. They are a big waste of space. Ordered combo locks can't be solved with minimal saws, however, they take up too much space too.

I dont agree in this points because electric floor and powered door have powered to work.
I prefer powered trapdoors. They work unpowered. And I made my circuit that for every destruction cut the power line!

A 3 digit switch can be very powerfull with counter. Please read Blips text. He wrote exacly what I mean.

#10 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 23:26:47

GotABigTrap wrote:

The biggest flaw in the map is that the buttons are not sticky.  All you need is a doorstop.  Let the dog see you and walk back out to the enterance hallway, step him down to be adjacent to the trap door.  At this point it is a matter of trying all the combinations.  You can basically do the same thing for the 2nd dog.  Once the first lock is solved you let the 2nd dog see you, backtrack to the enterance again to get him to power the trapdoor.  Since you can try all this with just a doorstop, I don't think it would last long.  One thing I usually do is power the buttons with electric floor so the only way back is to break the lock itself.

Using a leap of faith is a pretty good idea, but you should do something to constrain the dog a bit more.  For example, make it so the dog will be killed if the robber tries to backtrack once it has seen you.

And to cylene -

Starting crying now:



For you I should sketch it in the lower screen so no TESTFLOOR is avaible.

Please think about it.

#11 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 14:42:48

HardKor wrote:
Lord0fHam wrote:

Also, for your combo, use sticky switches.

hahaha, I laughed hard at this one

Maybe stop lol and think about it.

For an example use a counter on some switches raises the security!
Can you do this with sticky switches?

#12 Re: Main Forum » I quit as well & 'Multiple Accounts At Their Most Malicious' » 2014-04-15 14:09:11

Its crazy.

One of the most honored people in this game quit because of fast raising multiaccount creepers.

And some wrote "oh no not the account abuse is the problem"

#13 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 12:13:08

Thanks iceman for your explaining,

meanwhile I think the possibility for a 6 digit and a 3 digit is 2^9 = 512 tries.

I understand your thinking. Its like a magier manipulates the crouds. Or a profiler does its work.

But in my case I dont agree with that.

If I could watch a twitch stream like on your house it will be clear.
But the guy solved your castle like I think the only way is.

My guy was soooo lucky with no brute force, nothing.

I change the code and keep watching if he comes back.

Befor I have to buy some pictures.

I saw my old pictures at the aution smile
Get the robber the pictures or does they goes back to the auction?

#14 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 10:24:30

Well, here it is:

Just a principle sketch.
But the protection is a bit the same.

I made the dog and the powered door just for keeping away answers like: he can go back and test the powered trap.

THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE in both code tests.

The broken electrikal wood wall is like he made his mistake back.

#15 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 09:55:37

Ok, I will try it.

I through writing: "first a 6 digit code, then a 3 digit code, both with leap off faith traps" are clear.

#16 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 09:50:16

Yes thats right.

But first my house is still running.
And second I dont know how to recording.
Is there any post about it?

#17 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 09:45:16

Please read:


So after one wrong try your dead!

And nobody ever gets to the second 3 digit code!

#18 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 09:42:09

Yes, thats what I mean.

Solving a 6 digit with 64 tries and after a 3 digit with 8 tries means not only 72 tries (64 plus 8)

Or am I wrong?

#19 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 09:37:01

iceman wrote:

...For the 3 bit combo, you even said that he made a mistake, and sawed through a wall.  If your combo took 2 pressed buttons, then there's a 2/3 chance of guessing it, which isn't surprising *at all*

Here the same:

Please make me knowing.

A 3 bit combo has 8 tries.

The triggered switches are behinde 4 walls in a row. So he cant see them (normaly).

Where is the "2/3 chance"

Please do lighten me!

#20 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 09:33:46

Yes your right and combinating with 6 and 3 digit is?

BTW wunderfull large post smile

#21 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 09:22:00

Iceman please make a light in my dark brain.

How " it's obviously trivial to bypass" a 6 digit code with a leap of faith step and not exaiming the circuit?

Edit: And I saw your death while testing in your house in your posting smile

#22 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 08:47:45

sure - thats the point.

And at this time comes the multiaccounts in.

And I dont know how the cops think work.

#23 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 08:44:50

Cheese you dont understand me.

Solve a 6 digit code - maybe.

But the 6 digit AND the 3 digit at once - Never.

And nobody solved the first 6 digit code ever?!

#24 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 08:30:24

Lord0fHam wrote:

Paintings don't make you any more or less successful. You should always finish upgrading your house first. I think you are the guy from which i stole a painting using only 2 saws, a meat, and a brick a while ago. I didn't cheat, your house was just very basic at the time. Also, for your combo, use sticky switches.

I dont switch my house and name since 4 weeks.
So come back an rob me smile

And maybe you know how much combinations a 6 switch combo has?

#25 Re: Main Forum » This game is unplayable because of cheater! » 2014-04-15 08:26:45

colorfusion wrote:

...With 100 people, you'd have to be pretty lucky to not have someone get through your house. A 6 bit combo lock has 64 possibilities, and up to 6 combinations (assuming no tools) can be tested before you've pressed all the buttons.

At this point I stopped reading- A 6 switch combination has how many tries!? Come on ask your teacher, come back and write the answer. Then I will read the rest.

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