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Pages: 1
So i got recordedgame0001 to around 20 or so.
Where in the file is the correct 998# ? Do i only pick that LINE or the full 4 that ends with i.e: :2 ?
Whatever i do i just get incorrect housecode.
Tried most of the stuff. If i search within the document i find family members names. But.. i really don't get what ones of the 998#'s to pick and paste in.
That is a complete start house:
You have to select from 998 up to the last 998. Basically every number is a tile and '#' is just a delimiter. I advice to search for the last occurrence of 998, because this is the house in the state you left it.
Very helpful. So its not those "4 lines starting with 998#" its to the end 998. Castledraft webpage dont really specify that.. "Take the line starting with 998#.. "
If you turn word wrap off you'll see that the house code is all on one line.
Pages: 1