Discuss the massively-multiplayer home defense game.
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If his wife is still alive then it should actually take too much money to get to her, just need someone with over $30,000.
why is it on the map then?
protox13: Well, I've already gotten $1M net worth as Mister Earl Wilson, so that one is already checked off. And there just isn't that much money in the game any more. finding ALL the paintings would be a real hassle - who knows how many are hiding in abandoned $26 houses?
My aim - the one Jere inadvertently set me - was to show that it is possible to survive at the top for a week: http://thecastledoctrine.net/forums/vie … 7619#p7619. Of course I am taking out the houses systematically but that isn't stopping some people coming into my house with $120k of tools...
Amatiel: If you want your house to be safe, just make sure you don't get in my sites or make it to the top 8
. Then it is unlikely I'll take you down. And yes, if anyone so much as peeks past my walls they probably won't have a house for long. Nothing personal, just the only way to survive with so much money.
It's too bad you redid your house- looks like maybe someone got far enough to make you worry. You had quite a kill streak going too...
Well, one has to have goals, no? Aside from taking out upstarts and tinkering with your house, what else in this dystopian (ha ha, autocorrect wants to change this to "utopian") world do you have to occupy your time? This would have the side effect of giving you even more peasants to put down, though.
judging by this map that someone posted : http://castledraft.com/editor/cUziuH
if you got up to the upper right hand corner of the main area you could blow into the room and then shoot her, costing ~$2400 + the amount it costs you to get their. The panic button will stop the dogs.
Although this map might have been a joke that flew right over my head.
Both maps seem incorrect or at least severely outdated. I did some scouting which I'll use to update the map in a moment.
Edit: http://castledraft.com/editor/LXDV6I
Last edited by colorfusion (2014-02-08 10:24:24)
Both maps seem incorrect or at least severely outdated. I did some scouting which I'll use to update the map in a moment.
Yes, his counter reset.
I didn't get too far, only brought one crowbar. Some of the wired wooden walls might just be wooden walls.
Also the doors are being powered from behind/outside, I tried shorting that power source.
Last edited by colorfusion (2014-02-08 10:38:46)
I didn't get too far, only brought one crowbar. Some of the wired wooden walls might just be wooden walls.
I sense dog swarm beyond those powered doors. Did you mean to post two identical links?
Last edited by protox13 (2014-02-08 10:42:04)
I'm planning this house for if/when I get brave enough to enter with a bunch of crowbars and ladders. http://castledraft.com/editor/CUNujV
he'll probbably just change his house if we get close at all. We need someway to disscuss this without him seeing it.
Edit: I thought he was gone, but I guess he might just be editing
Last edited by Archonn (2014-02-08 13:23:37)
he'll probbably just change his house if we get close at all. We need someway to disscuss this without him seeing it.
Interested players should email me; I'll coordinate an order and time based on net worth and peoples' availability. We just need a dozen, maybe half-dozen people, and the richer players don't even need to die; they just need to be mid-scouts. I just died from being bored/careless and can lead with a suicide scout as I have nothing to lose at this point. colorfusion, therealcheese, gyuri, iceman, largestherb, arakira, Amatiel, jere, liteS, Banakai? We can do this.
Im down, ill need a little time tho as im away fro my computer for next 6-8hrs
Current Name: Darryl Gary Breeden
Died to self test yet again..... FFS..... ill be back
Im down, ill need a little time tho as im away fro my computer for next 6-8hrs
Ok, email me with your net worth, availability, and chill time (if applicable) and once we have enough people we can get this party started.
update: It's almost a pity, but Price is dead: http://thecastledoctrine.net/forums/vie … php?id=846
We can always try this again when the next tyrant arises, colorfusion...
Last edited by protox13 (2014-02-08 13:53:45)
One threat falls, and another will take his place. Perhaps Jaynes is that new threat. If he too proves to be as problematic as price then we will have to deal with him...
Current Name: Darryl Gary Breeden
Died to self test yet again..... FFS..... ill be back
Or I could just post my notes on the top 30 houses and see what happens =P
Last edited by iceman (2014-02-08 20:02:58)
Fortress Theory Mod - New objects, tools, and paintings!
I keep dying of a natural cause - Stupidity
The biggest thing that Castle Doctrine has taught me is that the price of your house is proportional to the stupidity of the mistake that kills you.
Charge on son. No one has ever made it to my vault yet on any of my houses. And i usually keep them at over 25k value. Until this latest house ive always ended up dying to the latest "you think your safe but youre not" trap.
The one where theres two corridors at the start, you go down one where upon a dog sights you through glass and cuts off your exit.... This got me goooooood the first time
Then the variant if this where one of those corridors is blocked by live electric floors so you think "oh if a dog tries to cut me off he will just get fried".... Then dog gets line of sight an hits a switch that deactivates those electric floors and cuts you off same as before. This was the last time i fell for this fecking trap lol
Current Name: Darryl Gary Breeden
Died to self test yet again..... FFS..... ill be back
Always helps to assume the worst. The home owner is counting on you to think "ya that is probably safe."
Golden Krone Hotel - a vampire roguelike
Yer i get impatient when not many people are trying to rob my house. Im far more cautious now tho. Was just another mechanic i had to learn the hard way, like electronics updating when you use an item... When ur standing on a pit. Dam clocks.
Current Name: Darryl Gary Breeden
Died to self test yet again..... FFS..... ill be back
Im far more cautious now tho. Was just another mechanic i had to learn the hard way, like electronics updating when you use an item... When ur standing on a pit. Dam clocks.
Ah, yes... I've got several people with that one recently. It's quite an obscure mechanic and being able to discourage tool use is extremely powerful.
Golden Krone Hotel - a vampire roguelike
Ill ladder the fecking lot next time
Current Name: Darryl Gary Breeden
Died to self test yet again..... FFS..... ill be back