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#1 Re: Main Forum » Meta-Game and Common Trap Mechanics » 2014-01-27 13:13:30

Huh your changed variant only takes 100 to bypass (after identifying how it works) where as your original took 900. I'd stick with something closer to the original (namely don't let the dog get killed by the electric floor).

#2 Re: Main Forum » So much wrong with this game » 2014-01-25 20:12:05

Definitely want to register a differing opinion about "4.- Robbing is not profitable."

Robbing is expensive, but as the value of houses goes up it's profitable. If you know what you're doing and you're careful you can always make sure that you have a safe route to the exit at all times so there is no risk of death. Traps can be viewed as costing 'x' amount to safely pass instead of as something that you pass and might later kill you. Yes there are some traps which may not look like a trap at first (a closed electric door which you would walk towards along your exit path, or a closed wooden door that could have an already seen dog behind it for example), but there are a finite number of those and they can be passed perfectly safely for a price. Yes it's expensive in some cases to figure out a safe path for each portion of a house and the price adds up but if the target has enough money it pays off.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Always available houses » 2014-01-25 19:51:36

If this is the most popular the game is ever likely to be then it's probably not that big of an issue but it is mildly annoying at the moment (in terms of either being unable to rob a house again that you've just scouted or being able to get into your own house to buy tools when you're at the top of the list). If the game becomes significantly more popular this issue seems like it could quickly go from mildly annoying to unplayable.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Clubbing Pitbulls even number of spaces away » 2014-01-25 19:42:24

Personally I think a 'stand-still' for 1 turn button would generally be a good idea though it'd obviously screw with balance a whole bunch given that it currently costs 1200 to pass a dog and then would only cost 200 in some cases (could still use dead dogs or cats in pits to require dogs get killed by guns).

#5 Main Forum » Suggestion: Always available houses » 2014-01-25 14:38:00

Replies: 9

At the moment houses become unavailable to rob (and removed from the list of houses) fairly regularly. This has led to talk of there being a group of high value houses which are being macro protected (which I haven't seen evidence of this personally so assume it's not happening in significant quantities). It's also annoying when you're scouting a particular house and someone then go back and have to wait for someone else to finish their robbing run. Similarly if someone's robbing your house you have to wait for them to finish before you can get to your tools (or purchase new ones).

  These aren't game breaking but they detract from the fun a bit as you have to wait for other people to finish what they're doing before you are allowed to do the things you want to do (as game population grows this issue would likely intensify as large numbers of people interact with the houses at the top of the list).

  Therefore I'd suggest allowing multiple people to interact with houses at the same time. This could get messy particularly with high traffic low security houses (most notably $2000 value empty houses), but for the most part houses are either likely to be low traffic or it's unlikely that two people will impact the house in overlapping runs.

  I'd propose the bellow resolution to contentions with a complete timing ordering being decided by the server (events could be triggered and checked either when they happen or when the robber exits the house).

1) Robber Aaron kills family member vs Robber Beth kills family member.
     a) 'first' to kill wife gets money from wife, second does not get money.
     b) 'first' to kill any family member saves damage to the house, second does no permanent damage except if they kill the wife 'first' in which case they do no permanent damage except for replacing the wife with a dead body in what ever location she happens to be in house which saves rest of damage.
     c) Any time a robber is successfully the first to kill a given family member all other robbers in the house are given a warning that wife/son/daughter has died. Optionally they could be allowed to keep all their remaining tools if they exit the front door.

2) Robber Alice opens the vault vs Robber Bob opens the vault.
     a) 'first' to open the vault gets money and tools, second gets nothing.
     b) 'first' to open the vault saves damage to the house, second does no permanent damage.
     c) Any time a robber is successfully the 'first' to open the vault all other robbers in the house are given a warning that the vault has been opened. Optionally they could be allowed to keep all their remaining tools if they exit the front door.

3) Robber Alice opens the vault vs Robber Bob kills family member.
     a) both get respective payouts.
     b) if possible merge damage to the house by setting any squares damaged/modified by Bob then setting any squares damaged by Alice, alternatively just save the vault opener's damage.

4) Owner changes house vs Robber opens vault/kills family member.
     a) Resolve money/tools in time order, ie robber gets the rewards that were on the wife/in the vault at the time the server decides they were successful. (Note if robber kills wife then later dies this could mean money being temporarily gone then returning)
     b) The robber always sees the house as it was when they started their run. Any damage they do which should be saved is applied to the new version of the house if the square type has not changed for non-mobiles or applied to a mobile of the same type if it exists (this is assuming that the server does not have a way of determining which dog is which).

#6 Re: Main Forum » how many times can someone rob the same house? » 2014-01-24 21:31:21

Getting scouted by Ruben Allen Stewart is nerve wracking.

#7 Re: Main Forum » how many times can someone rob the same house? » 2014-01-24 20:41:36

It's only if you die. I believe it's if you die you can't rob any houses in which you used tools in that lifetime for 24h.

#8 Re: Main Forum » At what point is my house listed? » 2014-01-24 20:39:14

There are two online map editors which provide much of the functionality you seem to be looking for (though it'd still require you to put out your finished design once, and also presumably requires you to trust that the website owner isn't looking at your designs).

#9 Re: Main Forum » Own name and House Value? » 2014-01-24 14:24:40

Also curious if names are consistent. Am I named the same from 2 different people's perspectives?

#10 Re: Main Forum » Own name and House Value? » 2014-01-24 14:14:31

Don't know anyone else who's playing but my current house value should be in the $27,200 ball park and the house should look all nice and cheap (until you get a bit deeper). If anyone's interested in telling me my name I can give a bit more detail. Not a big deal but I'm curious who I am.

#11 Main Forum » Own name and House Value? » 2014-01-24 13:02:32

Replies: 9

Is there any way to figure out your own name? Is there any quick way to see what the posted value of your house is (from others perspectives)? It's my understanding that the posted value is cash on hand + half cost of tools (presumably rounded some way). Is there an easier way to see what that is for your own house other than counting your tools and figuring out their sell value?

#12 Main Forum » Clubbing Pitbulls even number of spaces away » 2014-01-24 00:31:14

Replies: 8

Is there any way to kill a pitbull who is an even number of spaces away from you (counting the space they're in but not the one you're in) when they see you with a club? There are obviously some situations where using walls one could change the distance but assuming either only wide open space or appropriately constrained hallways is there any way?

#13 Main Forum » Had a "House check-in failure" when self-testing » 2014-01-23 21:05:19

Replies: 2

Had a "House check-in failure" when self-testing my house and then suddenly I was back in fresh start house. Not a huge deal as I had maybe $4-6k in the house, but was curious about the frequency of this and the cause. I'm happy to give more details in pm for debugging purposes. I was running on the vanilla mac client (though have also played on the windows client and not %100 sure that my other comp didn't have the comp open though it didn't have anyone interacting with it).

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